viernes, 6 de agosto de 2010

4 comentarios:

Karacas con K de Kerese dijo...

me gusta la última de las fotos. Parece la confirmación de la muerte. todo se deteriora, se pudre y se olvida

Rachel Hovell dijo...

Hi, I'm not sure you'll be able to read this but I'll comment anyway!
I absolutely love these pictures. It really reminds me of a famous image I saw in the Liverpool Tate Gallery a few years back. It's so depressing, yet beautiful at the same time. The decrepid nature of the scene is wonderful.
I would love to start taking photos like this myself, I just need to find the places first!
If you fancy somethig a bit more uplifting, try my blog at
Rach xx

Pal Kerese Riveros dijo...

Hi, good that you liked the photos, I took this pics in a cemetery that was burned in Venezuela. Is not easy to find a place like that. thanks for the comment and I'll look to your blog.

anabelballesta dijo...

me gustan los grises...super deprimente